Soft, fluffy and perfectly spiced, these dairy free hot cross buns are a must make for your Easter celebration! Filled with dried fruit and...
This creamy dairy free chicken alfredo is a delicious take on classic Italian comfort food! And you’ll never believe there’s no milk, butter or...
Moist, fluffy and irresistible, these homemade dairy free chocolate muffins taste just like chocolate cake! And you’ll never guess they’re made with healthier swaps...
Rich and creamy, this super easy homemade dairy free alfredo sauce comes together in 5 minutes flat! Made with just a few simple ingredients...
Crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, these dreamy dairy free waffles turn out beautifully every time. Quick and easy to make,...
Perfectly soft & chewy, these easy coconut oil chocolate chip cookies are the best ever! Loaded with chocolate chips and downright delicious, you absolutely...
Easy, healthy and incredibly tasty, these savory vegan stuffed sweet potatoes are fantastic for dinner or meal prep! Featuring a baked sweet potato base...
Super easy and packed with flavor, this creamy dairy free frittata is perfect for meal prep, quick dinners, potlucks and brunches! Healthy and simple...
Healthy and easy, this nourishing and cozy sweet potato chicken soup is one the whole family will love! Made with veggies, warm spices, creamy...
Soft, fluffy and perfectly moist, this dreamy vegan gingerbread cake makes for the BEST holiday dessert! Easy to make and naturally sweetened, it’s perfect...
Tender, juicy and packed with flavor, these baked dairy free meatballs are perfect for an easy weeknight meal! Incredibly versatile and on the table...
These buttery vegan snowball cookies are melt-in-your mouth perfection! And whether you call them snowballs, wedding cookies or russian tea cakes, this easy family...