These buttery cranberry orange white chocolate scones are a fantastic breakfast treat! Soft and moist on the inside and perfectly crisp around the edges,...
This almond pound cake is moist, rich and perfect for a special dessert! Finished with an almond glaze and almond slices, it is packed...
These soft and fluffy homemade pumpkin spice marshmallows are perfect for Fall! Filled with pumpkin puree and plenty of warm spices, these marshmallows are...
This super creamy pumpkin spice white hot chocolate is a perfect Fall treat! Quick and easy to make at home, it’s filled with white...
This spooktacular healthy witches’ soup is perfect for Halloween! Made with plenty of broccoli and spinach and topped with a yogurt spiderweb that is...
These easy witches’ finger breadsticks are the perfect spooky side dish for Halloween! Made with pizza dough and raw almonds, they couldn’t be simpler...
This crockpot tiramisu bread pudding is a fun spin on a classic dessert! With bread soaked in an espresso Kahlua mixture and finished off...
This cheesy crockpot french onion soup is hard to beat! Let your slow cooker do all the work for this classic soup made with...
This hearty crockpot southwest breakfast casserole comes together in a snap! Perfect for serving a crowd, it’s filled with eggs, black beans and potatoes....
These cheesy mexican lasagna roll-ups are a fun spin on the classic dish! Filled with ricotta, black beans, corn and spices, they’re great for...
This perfectly tender mustardy kale and butternut squash is a delicious simple side dish for Fall! Made all in one pot, it’s filled with...
These pop-able spinach and sun-dried tomato frittata muffins are an excellent make-ahead breakfast! Easy to customize, portable and just plain delicious, they’re packed with...