Crisp and crunchy, these maple pecan biscotti are perfect for yourself or for gift giving! Filled with maple flavor and pecans, they’re excellent for...
Warm and cozy, this easy earl grey tea latte is the perfect relaxing drink! So save yourself some money and make this coffee shop...
These super easy spiced rosemary and thyme nuts are a fantastic appetizer, snack or gift! With warm spices and fresh herbs, they’re savory, a...
These adorable homemade bride and groom truffles are the perfect gift for couples to be! Festive, delicious and oh-so-fun, they include a simple oreo...
Easy, healthy and flavorful, this delicious vegan minestrone soup is a crowd pleaser for sure! Filled with veggies, pasta, beans and a touch of...
Soft and fluffy, these dreamy honey yeast rolls are the perfect side to any meal! Filled with just the right amount of buttery, honey...
These crunchy homemade peanut butter blueberry dog treats make the perfect special gift for your favorite furry friends! Your dog will absolutely love these...
This roasted sweet potato salad is easy to make and jam-packed with flavor! Filled with toasted walnuts, kale, and a delicious maple lime dressing,...
These dreamy dairy free apple cinnamon muffins are perfect for fall! Filled with applesauce, diced apples and warm spices, they’re finished with a delightful...
This sweet and creamy blueberry mango smoothie is perfect for breakfasts or snacks on the go! Made with frozen blueberries, mango, yogurt and vanilla,...
These buttery vanilla bean sugar cookies hold their shape perfectly after baking! Filled with dreamy vanilla flavor, they’re a fantastic base for decorating with...
This super easy crockpot pulled BBQ chicken is a family favorite! Perfect for a crowd or for plenty of leftovers, let your slow cooker...