Soft and moist peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip muffins! With the ever-favorite combination of peanut butter and chocolate, these lightly sweet muffins are perfect...
This sweet and salty dark chocolate pistachio toffee is irresistible! With a buttery, crunchy toffee base coated on both sides with dark chocolate and...
These adorable eggnog mini loaves are perfect for the holidays! Moist, fluffy and filled with eggnog and warm spices, they are delicious served with...
With only four simple ingredients, this baked goat cheese with cranberries and pistachios is a simple yet delicious appetizer! Sweet, salty and perfectly creamy,...
Light, fluffy and perfectly sweet, these eggnog waffles make for the best special holiday breakfast! With crisp edges, warm vanilla nutmeg flavor and a...
This festive pomegranate cranberry sangria is perfect for holiday entertaining! Incredibly easy to make and filled with red wine, fruit and assorted juices, it’s...
Celebrate the holidays with this cranberry eggnog coffee cake! Light, tender and topped with plenty of streusel, it’s impossible to resist. And includes some...
Make the ultimate Thanksgiving gobbler sandwich with all your leftovers! A copycat version of the famous Wawa dish, it’s the perfect way to repurpose...
This creamy holiday corn is perfect for the season! Simple to make and filled with celery, carrots and herbs, it’s a fantastic make ahead...
Sturdy, soft and chewy, this cranberry walnut bread makes for the best toast! And it’s freezer-friendly. So save yourself some money and make this...
This classic thanksgiving stuffing is a staple for your holiday table! Filled with carrots, celery, rosemary and thyme, it bakes up crisp on top...
This easy homemade cranberry orange sauce is essential for the holidays! Made with maple syrup, orange zest and orange liqueur, you’ll never want the...